Fun to Be Happy

It’s been an amazingly positive week.

Last Thursday I hoped to be on the road to Cumberland by 2:00 but really wanted to see Abbey Road Live’s homage to the 50th anniversary of the Beatles playing the rooftop at 3:00. Circumstances intervened to allow me to see the gig and I was incredibly happy to be there. I’m not sure why that event was so compelling to me. The fact that somebody had the forethought to plan it? That we have the mix of musicians to pull it off? That I knew that 200 or so people would appreciate it as much as I did? All of the above?

Whatever. It was great fun.

So happy to see Michael Guthrie as part of the band, rocking the green pants no less.

Then the trip to Cumberland.

I’ve heard about it forever but have never been.

It is truly magical.

And as great as the setting was, Sadie was even more special. She was surprisingly interested in the island and the structures (she’s never been a ‘museum’ kind of girl – she’d rather ‘do’ than see). She was fascinated by the tour of Plum Orchard, which is when/where we met our companions for the following 48 hours. How lucky we were to meet the folks from Jacksonville!

Four couples – two gay and two straight – we bonded immediately and were included in the 48 hour birthday celebration of one member of this longtime group of friends. They treated us as one of their clan and Sadie more than held her own. I’ve always known that she was pretty cool (what parent doesn’t think their child isn’t?). But to watch her interact as an equal participant in conversation, dance, and a slight bit of deviousness was something special.

I’m still buzzing, because she rocks!

bonus track – because it’s fun

4 thoughts on “Fun to Be Happy

  1. Jason Burnett says:

    Tony – we lost Sadie’s address! That’s why she has not received the complete works of Jane Austen from Leslie. Imagine our surprise when I googled you – I thought we would have to connect on LinkedIn. We loved Sadie, you were all right – lol.

    Shoot us a mailing address.

    It was a magical weekend, so fun to find this website and connect.

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